Be still and see the flowers

I have been thinking about doing this for a while now especially since I rented the Canon Macro lens a few weeks ago.

This type of photography is a little harder than you would think. I need a REAL white background instead of poster board. I used cheap reflectors and garage lamps with LED, and curly CFL bulbs for lighting. Sometimes I used flash as a fill and flood. The problem is too many shadows. Some turned out nice and I may print a few.

These are from our flower beds.High Key Rose_20171030_081IMG_6690IMG_6703

I bought a single yellow rose to play with as wellIMG_7064IMG_7070IMG_7101

Juanita got these in a vase for Halloween with a little scare crow. They are about on their last leg but make a pretty good photo.IMG_7271IMG_7217IMG_7146

A neighbor has these Mexican Sunflowers in her flower beds at an apartment down the street. Yes, I asked before I cut them.


A pink rose from the front yard.


This is my favorite of the bunch.


Until next time, on to the next adventure!

